Support and connection for spring 2021

Dear Friends,

One year ago our lives were transformed by a pandemic that has had a severe toll on our community's mental health. Exhaustion, depression, fear and grief have become far too familiar. And yet, the pandemic has also shone a light on the strengths within us—including the courage of so many who have reached out for help when they needed it.

We meet this anniversary with reasons to hope: the coming of spring, the decrease in local virus cases, and more folks getting vaccinated every day. Still, being in the “third quarter” of the pandemic—with the end in sight and yet no set date for relief—is its own challenge. What can we do to get through? Here are just a few self-care ideas for today:

  • Get outside, even if for just a few minutes. Look to the sky or to the new buds on a tree.

  • Call a friend and talk about a fond memory together.

  • Dance, sing, or just listen to a favorite song.

  • If you need additional support, reach out. Our Call-in Clinics provide a free, confidential session with a therapist who can help you find the next right step for your well-being.

At The Women’s Initiative, throughout the pandemic, the health and safety of our community and staff have been our top priority. We are proud to have offered our vital mental health services via phone and video throughout this year to diverse members of our community who otherwise could not afford care. See this page for links to a recent article and podcast to learn more.

We are finalizing our plans to offer limited in-person counseling with safety protocols in place. As the weather warms, we are also making plans for some of our groups to take place outside. I will provide updates through our e-mail newsletter, and you can always get the most up-to-date information on our Coronavirus Page or via our Main Office at (434) 872-0047.

We are also rolling out a wonderful slate of virtual groups beginning this spring—including support groups with Sister Circle and Bienestar, yoga, meditation and art. See this page for all the details. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW

Executive Director

Announcing Spring 2021 Virtual Groups

Join us for opportunities for self-care, connection, and support. Click here or on the images below to learn more about each offering. All are free and offered via Zoom.

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Focus on telehealth through end of 2020

Dear friends,

The Women’s Initiative continues to provide our vital mental health services through phone and video options. These telehealth formats enable us to maintain consistent and effective care for our clients and the community. We believe that stability, where it can be found, is in and of itself a support to mental health right now. So rather than try to make any significant shift back to in-person services while the pandemic continues, we have decided to focus on telehealth through at least December 2020.

This focus includes:

Over the past five months we have heard very positive feedback from our clients about the care they have received via telehealth. "I felt heard and seen in a way I've never experienced ... It changed my life!" one client recently shared.

To ensure that we are serving the community’s evolving needs, we will be doing a survey in the fall to help guide our decision-making for Winter 2021.

The mental health impact of all we’ve been living through these recent months has been significant. There are important self-care and resilience skills that are helpful to practice during these intensely stressful times. And it’s important to remember that none of us should be suffering alone. We hope you will reach out for support as well.

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW
Executive Director

Our plan for care this summer

Dear friends,

As the state of Virginia further reopens, I want to touch base with you about how The Women’s Initiative is providing care to the community. Following the American Psychological Association’s recommendation, we will continue telehealth as much as possible to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission. While we are actively evaluating when and how we can offer some types of care in person again, we believe that for now the safety and health of our clients is best served by continuing virtual care through at least Labor Day, as was previously announced. If we do decide to offer any in-person care after Labor Day, we will make that announcement in August. Our plan is informed not only by the APA guidelines, but also the voices of our clients, who have provided overwhelmingly positive feedback about their experience accessing care with us via phone and video.

Since we closed our physical offices on March 16, we have connected hundreds of women to care via telehealth. Our Call-in Clinics have provided vital support each week. As one client wrote recently: “I am forever grateful for the services I have been receiving from you. You are a lifesaver…I can't even imagine how I would've managed everything during this pandemic without your benevolent help.” Support groups and mind-body programs via Zoom have also been well attended, including the Calm & Connection Support Group, Community Healing Sessions with Sister Circle, and Deep Breathing for Relaxation. If you have feedback about how The Women’s Initiative could better suit your needs, please be in touch with me directly.

We are living through a time of loss, of change, of challenge, and at the same time our experiences may be utterly unique from our neighbors'. Yet, we share resilience, and the capacity to transform challenges into growth for ourselves and our community. Acknowledging our feelings of fear, uncertainty, hopelessness, and overwhelm strengthens mental health. Protesting racial injustice strengthens mental health. Taking time for calm and restoration strengthens mental health. Reaching out for help strengthens mental health. For more information about our current offerings, see our Coronavirus Resource page. For self-care ideas for Black women, click here. For ways you can support your mental health through the pandemic, click here.

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW
Executive Director, The Women’s Initiative

TWI updates related to coronavirus

To receive the latest news from TWI via email, sign up for our e-newsletter here.

Para información sobre los cambios a nuestros servicios en español durante la pandemia del virus Corona, favor de hacer un clic aqui

April 1, 2020

Letter from our Executive Director: Support is available during coronavirus

Dear friends,

At The Women’s Initiative our goal continues to be to provide as much support as we safely can during the coronavirus outbreak. Following the direction of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, we will be keeping our offices closed through at least Wednesday, June 10. But please know that our vital mental health services are still available:

  • Our therapists are seeing clients through telehealth (phone and video chat)

  • Our Call-in Clinics are available—click here to learn more

Managing Stress
The coronavirus outbreak is putting a tremendous strain on all of us. But there are steps we can all be taking to care for ourselves, inside and out. Charlottesville Tomorrow recently featured our tips for reducing stress as part of their coronavirus coverage. These tips are below—we recommend reading them out loud with a loved one in your home or over the phone.

Tips for Reducing Stress During Coronavirus

  • Get the facts about the virus but make sure to take media breaks. Our local health department is a reliable source for information

  • Reduce anxiety with healthy actions that make you feel safer, like good handwashing, social distancing and having a plan for if someone in your household gets sick.

  • Keep a schedule, and make time to do activities that you enjoy, like journaling, exercise, creating art, or being in nature.

  • Notice worrisome thoughts and interrupt them by focusing on your five senses or talking to a loved one.

  • Make time to unwind, and remember that strong feelings will pass.

  • Take care of your body. Practice deep breathing, stretching, or meditation, and maintain good sleep and eating habits.

  • Stay connected by phone and virtual means, and share how you are feeling with someone you trust.

Additionally, if your household or someone you know is in financial need because of the pandemic, funds are available through our local community foundation.

The Women’s Initiative is committed to ensuring that mental health care is available during this challenging time. Our community has many strengths, and we will get through this together.

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW

Executive Director, The Women’s Initiative

March 26, 2020

Community fund for households experiencing financial hardship

One way our community is coming together to care for one another is this fund for anyone experiencing financial hardship. Click on flyers below in English and Spanish for more information.

Additionally, a wide variety of ways to give and get help in our region are available at

March 20, 2020

C’Ville Tomorrow explores Mental Health Impact

C’Ville Tomorrow spoke to our Executive Director Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW, for expert advice about how the coronavirus is impacting mental health, and strategies for reducing stress. Read the full story.

March 16, 2020

Dear friends,

As a primary provider of mental health care for our community, it is our goal to provide as much support as we safely can during the outbreak of Coronavirus/COVID-19. The Women’s Initiative is now moving to providing individual counseling through telehealth and other programming virtually. This goes into effect today, Monday, March 16, through at least Monday, April 6.

  • Clients currently in counseling can contact their therapist or our Client Support Specialist at (434) 872-0047 to create a temporary telehealth plan.

  • Our walk-in clinics will be shifting to "phone-in clinics" starting this Wednesday. This will mean that rather than coming to our office, individuals can speak with a counselor confidentially over the phone during walk-in times. As we make this transition there will be no walk-in hours this Monday or Tuesday, March 16-17. Please check our walk-in clinic page for details.

  • As of today all of our in-person groups and mind-body offerings are suspended. Follow our website, Facebook and Instagram for tools and resources for staying connected and practicing mind-body skills from home.

  • Caring for our health means remembering physical as well as mental health. Our local Community Mental Health and Wellness Coalition created this flyer of tips to reduce stress during this time, and I encourage you to share it with friends and family.

    The Women's Initiative is committed, as ever, to supporting our community during times of challenge and change. Learn more by staying in touch with us online or reaching out by phone, (434) 872-0047.

    Much love,
    Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW
    Executive Director, The Women's Initiative

March 15, 2020

Our local Community Mental Health and Wellness Coalition created this flyer with tips for reducing stress during the outbreak of coronavirus/COVID-19. Take a look:

March 11, 2020

Dear friends,

I am writing to update you about how The Women’s Initiative is responding to the rapidly changing public health needs around coronavirus. As an agency our priority is the well-being of clients, volunteers and staff.

For clients: At this time The Women’s Initiative remains open. If it becomes necessary, we may suspend some offerings or close our offices, in which case we would look for ways to provide care to clients by phone. Please continue to check our website for the most up-to-date information.

In the meantime, if you are exhibiting any symptoms of physical illness, including fever, cough or shortness of breath, contact your medical provider, and please do not come into The Women's Initiative office. Be in touch with your therapist or our Client Support Specialist at (434) 872-0047 to make alternate arrangements for appointments.

For everyone: Fears and uncertainty about the coronavirus mean many of us are feeling greater anxiety. As we all take precautions to care for our physical health, it is important to remember our mental health needs, as well. Here are some helpful ideas for managing stress during this time:

  • Focus on the facts about the virus

  • Get updates from a trusted news source, but make sure to also take breaks from media.

  • Make time to unwind, and remind yourself that strong feelings will fade.

  • Allow yourself to do activities you enjoy.

  • Take care of your body: Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Reflect on habits around sleeping, eating and movement.

  • Stay connected. Share your concerns and how you are feeling with someone you trust.

Community resources

Coronavirus information:

  • For questions regarding coronavirus: the Virginia Department of Health’s Thomas Jefferson Health District has opened a hotline: (434) 972-6261, staffed Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The public can leave messages that will be returned as soon as possible.

  • If someone is experiencing a medical emergency, they should call 911.

If you or someone you know is in need of mental health support, help is available 24/7 from the following resources:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

  • Region Ten Emergency Services: (434) 972-1800

  • Live Chat services available through Lifeline Chat

  • Trans Lifeline Peer Support: (877) 565-8860

Challenge into Change Canceled

The 2020 Virginia Festival of the Book has been canceled, which means there will no longer be a Challenge into Change Celebration on March 18.

We are so sorry that we will not have the opportunity to share this special event with the community, but we are confident that canceling is the right decision. We are hopeful that we can find another way to celebrate authors’ stories of hope and healing in the future. For now, authors will be mailed their two free copies of the 2019-20 Challenge into Change book. Copies are also available for a donation of $10 to The Women’s Initiative.

If you have any questions, please email or call (434) 872-0047. For the latest updates about our offerings, check our website.

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW
Executive Director, The Women's Initiative