All Programs
The Women’s Initiative offers a variety of programs, groups, and workshops to help support mental health in our communities.
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Arte y Emociones
Los martes, 15–29 de abril
Acompáñanos a este grupo de 3 semanas en el que te invitamos a explorar tu sentido de identidad. Exploraremos el poder curativo del arte utilizando una foto y costura para crear un autoretrato. Cada participante podrá crear una pieza visual que cuente su sentido de identidad a traves del acto de remendar. No necesitas tener conocimientos ni experiencia previa en estas técnicas, nosotras ofreceremos los fundamentos básicos de la costura. Facilitado por Laura Somel, LCSW y Karina Monroy, Pasante de Arteterapia Clínica.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Arte y Emociones
Los martes, 15–29 de abril
Acompáñanos a este grupo de 3 semanas en el que te invitamos a explorar tu sentido de identidad. Exploraremos el poder curativo del arte utilizando una foto y costura para crear un autoretrato. Cada participante podrá crear una pieza visual que cuente su sentido de identidad a traves del acto de remendar. No necesitas tener conocimientos ni experiencia previa en estas técnicas, nosotras ofreceremos los fundamentos básicos de la costura. Facilitado por Laura Somel, LCSW y Karina Monroy, Pasante de Arteterapia Clínica.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Arte y Emociones
Los martes, 15–29 de abril
Acompáñanos a este grupo de 3 semanas en el que te invitamos a explorar tu sentido de identidad. Exploraremos el poder curativo del arte utilizando una foto y costura para crear un autoretrato. Cada participante podrá crear una pieza visual que cuente su sentido de identidad a traves del acto de remendar. No necesitas tener conocimientos ni experiencia previa en estas técnicas, nosotras ofreceremos los fundamentos básicos de la costura. Facilitado por Laura Somel, LCSW y Karina Monroy, Pasante de Arteterapia Clínica.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Baño de Sonido
Lunes, 12 de mayo y miércoles, 28 de mayo
Acompañanos en esta jornada de sonidos profundos para que nos ayuden a relajar nuestro cuerpo. Usaremos sonidos de instrumentos como la vasija de cristal y respiracion suave que guía a nuestro cuerpo en una forma compasiva y saludable para nuestro bienestar. Facilitado por Sibila Quiroz, MSW.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Baño de Sonido
Lunes, 12 de mayo y miércoles, 28 de mayo
Acompañanos en esta jornada de sonidos profundos para que nos ayuden a relajar nuestro cuerpo. Usaremos sonidos de instrumentos como la vasija de cristal y respiracion suave que guía a nuestro cuerpo en una forma compasiva y saludable para nuestro bienestar. Facilitado por Sibila Quiroz, MSW.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Un Tiempo Para Mi
Los jueves, 5–26 de junio
En línea vía Zoom
Acompáñanos a crear un círculo de apoyo virtual para mujeres Latinas dedicado a aprender técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés y las preocupaciones cotidianas. Facilitado por Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Un Tiempo Para Mi
Los jueves, 5–26 de junio
En línea vía Zoom
Acompáñanos a crear un círculo de apoyo virtual para mujeres Latinas dedicado a aprender técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés y las preocupaciones cotidianas. Facilitado por Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Un Tiempo Para Mi
Los jueves, 5–26 de junio
En línea vía Zoom
Acompáñanos a crear un círculo de apoyo virtual para mujeres Latinas dedicado a aprender técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés y las preocupaciones cotidianas. Facilitado por Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Un Tiempo Para Mi
Los jueves, 5–26 de junio
En línea vía Zoom
Acompáñanos a crear un círculo de apoyo virtual para mujeres Latinas dedicado a aprender técnicas de relajación para el manejo del estrés y las preocupaciones cotidianas. Facilitado por Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
Para registrarse para este grupo llame al 434.328.1800 o envíe un mensaje a bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Tuesdays, March 4–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for this four-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and accessible art materials and techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own mothering journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Tuesdays, March 4–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for this four-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and accessible art materials and techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own mothering journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

A Time for Me
Thursdays, March 6 & 13
Virtual via Zoom
Join us to create a virtual circle of support for Latina women dedicated to learning relaxation techniques that help manage the daily stress in our lives. Led by Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Tuesdays, March 4–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for this four-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and accessible art materials and techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own mothering journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

A Time for Me
Thursdays, March 6 & 13
Virtual via Zoom
Join us to create a virtual circle of support for Latina women dedicated to learning relaxation techniques that help manage the daily stress in our lives. Led by Ingrid Ramos, LPC.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Tuesdays, March 4–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for this four-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and accessible art materials and techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own mothering journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Cultivating Self-Care Skills
Tuesdays, February 11–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for an active class for Latina women to learn gentle movements to promote relaxation. Learn how to strengthen the connection between our bodies and mind to promote healing and well-being. Led by Laura Somel, LCSW
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Cultivating Self-Care Skills
Tuesdays, February 11–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for an active class for Latina women to learn gentle movements to promote relaxation. Learn how to strengthen the connection between our bodies and mind to promote healing and well-being. Led by Laura Somel, LCSW
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Cultivating Self-Care Skills
Tuesdays, February 11–25
Virtual via Zoom
Join us for an active class for Latina women to learn gentle movements to promote relaxation. Learn how to strengthen the connection between our bodies and mind to promote healing and well-being. Led by Laura Somel, LCSW
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Mondays, November 4 & 11
Join us for a two-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and resourceful art techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Expressive Art: Moms Creating
Mondays, November 4 & 11
Join us for a two-part series to explore our experiences of motherhood while connecting in community. Using simple, easy, and resourceful art techniques, we will share stories and create images based on our own journeys. Mothers over the age of 18 are invited to attend. Led by Alma Molina.
To register for this group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Joy: Day of the Dead
Wednesday, October 30
Join us in celebrating Latinx traditions and rituals during these October holidays by creating art and crafts and celebrating our culture. *This group is facilitated in Spanish by a bilingual facilitator. Led by Kassandra “Kassy” Baltazar Alarcón, MSW.
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800, or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Emotions
Tuesdays, October 8–22
Join us in this three-week group for Latina women focused on connecting with our emotions through artmaking and gentle movements. Each week, we will focus on a different emotion that we often find difficult to deal with and learn how to process that emotion through creative expression. Our hope is to build a healthier relationship with our emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Facilitated by Laura Somel, MSW, and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, please contact 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Emotions
Tuesdays, October 8–22
Join us in this three-week group for Latina women focused on connecting with our emotions through artmaking and gentle movements. Each week, we will focus on a different emotion that we often find difficult to deal with and learn how to process that emotion through creative expression. Our hope is to build a healthier relationship with our emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Facilitated by Laura Somel, MSW, and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, please contact 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Emotions
Tuesdays, October 8–22
Join us in this three-week group for Latina women focused on connecting with our emotions through artmaking and gentle movements. Each week, we will focus on a different emotion that we often find difficult to deal with and learn how to process that emotion through creative expression. Our hope is to build a healthier relationship with our emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Facilitated by Laura Somel, MSW, and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, please contact 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Joy: Story Cloths
Mondays, September 9–30
Join us to cultivate a space of creative expression with other Latinas in your community while exploring the healing power of cultural connection and visual story telling through textiles. Using fabric scraps, hand-sewing, and patchwork techniques inspired by Chilean arpilleras and traditional Mexican embroidery, each participant will work toward creating a visual story cloth centered on resilience and healing. No prior sewing experience is necessary; we will support in learning foundational sewing stitches. *This group will be run in a bilingual format in Spanish and English. Led by Alma Molina and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800, email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Joy: Story Cloths
Mondays, September 9–30
Join us to cultivate a space of creative expression with other Latinas in your community while exploring the healing power of cultural connection and visual story telling through textiles. Using fabric scraps, hand-sewing, and patchwork techniques inspired by Chilean arpilleras and traditional Mexican embroidery, each participant will work toward creating a visual story cloth centered on resilience and healing. No prior sewing experience is necessary; we will support in learning foundational sewing stitches. *This group will be run in a bilingual format in Spanish and English. Led by Alma Molina and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800, email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Joy: Story Cloths
Mondays, September 9–30
Join us to cultivate a space of creative expression with other Latinas in your community while exploring the healing power of cultural connection and visual story telling through textiles. Using fabric scraps, hand-sewing, and patchwork techniques inspired by Chilean arpilleras and traditional Mexican embroidery, each participant will work toward creating a visual story cloth centered on resilience and healing. No prior sewing experience is necessary; we will support in learning foundational sewing stitches. *This group will be run in a bilingual format in Spanish and English. Led by Alma Molina and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800, email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Art and Joy: Story Cloths
Mondays, September 9–30
Join us to cultivate a space of creative expression with other Latinas in your community while exploring the healing power of cultural connection and visual story telling through textiles. Using fabric scraps, hand-sewing, and patchwork techniques inspired by Chilean arpilleras and traditional Mexican embroidery, each participant will work toward creating a visual story cloth centered on resilience and healing. No prior sewing experience is necessary; we will support in learning foundational sewing stitches. *This group will be run in a bilingual format in Spanish and English. Led by Alma Molina and Karina Monroy, Clinical Art Therapy Intern.
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800, email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Grief and Loss: Gentle Movements to Process and Heal
Tuesdays, August 6–20
In person at The Women’s Initiative main office
In life, we suffer losses that may cause us a lot of pain. This could be the loss of a loved one, a dream, your land, or a pet. Come share time in community with other Latinas to process and heal through gentle movements and reflection. Facilitated by Laura Somel, MSW.
To register for the group, please contact 434.270.0926 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Bienestar Healthy Relationships
Tuesdays, July 16–30
In person at The Women’s Initiative main office (1101 East High Street, Charlottesville) and virtually via Zoom
Join us to explore the dynamics of healthy relationships in our lives. We will learn about unhealthy relationship dynamics and strategies to cultivate accepting and compassionate relationships with ourselves and the people in our lives. Facilitated by Ingrid Ramos, LPC, and Kassandra Baltazar, MSW.
To register for the group, please call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Writing for Healing: Sharing Stories
Every Thursday from June 6 - June 27
Virtually via Zoom
All Latina women are welcome to join this virtual four-session group to learn how to share our stories through poetry rooted in cultural celebration and community power. Experienced writers and those who have never written poetry before are encouraged to attend. This group is a safe space to write freely and share with other women to support one another on our healing journeys. *This group is facilitated in Spanish by a bilingual facilitator. Led by Mariana Araujo Herrera
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Cultivating Self-Care Skills
Every Thursday from May 30 – June 20
Join us for an active class for Latina women to learn gentle movements to promote relaxation. Learn how to strengthen the connection between our bodies and mind to promote healing and well-being. *This group is facilitated in Spanish by a bilingual facilitator. Facilitated by Alma Molina
To register for the group, call 434.328.1800 or email bienestar@thewomensinitiative.org.

Cultivating Self-Care Skills
Every Thursday from May 30 – June 20
Join us for an active class for Latina women to learn gentle movements to promote relaxation. Learn how to strengthen the connection between our bodies and mind to promote healing and well-being. *This group is facilitated in Spanish by a bilingual facilitator. Facilitated by Alma Molina