Focus on telehealth through end of 2020

Dear friends,

The Women’s Initiative continues to provide our vital mental health services through phone and video options. These telehealth formats enable us to maintain consistent and effective care for our clients and the community. We believe that stability, where it can be found, is in and of itself a support to mental health right now. So rather than try to make any significant shift back to in-person services while the pandemic continues, we have decided to focus on telehealth through at least December 2020.

This focus includes:

Over the past five months we have heard very positive feedback from our clients about the care they have received via telehealth. "I felt heard and seen in a way I've never experienced ... It changed my life!" one client recently shared.

To ensure that we are serving the community’s evolving needs, we will be doing a survey in the fall to help guide our decision-making for Winter 2021.

The mental health impact of all we’ve been living through these recent months has been significant. There are important self-care and resilience skills that are helpful to practice during these intensely stressful times. And it’s important to remember that none of us should be suffering alone. We hope you will reach out for support as well.

Much love,

Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW
Executive Director